Tuesday 13 November 2007

Second Life

Second Life is the name of a MMORPG based in San Fransisco. Their is no ultimate goal to the game nor are there any levels, but users play to their own goals, or even just to socialize. Avatars are created upon registration and users are then able to explore virtual worlds, interact with other users and buy or create items. The game has its own currency 'Linden dollars' with a rate of about L$500 to £1, the virtual money can be exchanged for real currency which has created oppertunities for entrepreneurs to make money and even a living from the game. Second Life is often used by major companies to advertise products and even as a vehicle for selling them.

On september 6th Robert Linden confirmed that the Second Life database was hacked and some of their unencrypted customer information, including account names, real life names and contact information, was stolen, however, the hack did not include the theft of any unencrypted credit card information.


It could be said that Second Life is the ultimate reinforcement of cosmetic perfection. In an age where people are constantly striving to improve their physical appearance - this software literally allows users to take on another body and customise it to their liking in a few clicks, socialising with this avatar in an environment where their real appearance is hidden away.

Monday 12 November 2007

Myspace Killers

Social networking sites are being created with the same intentions as myspace, these are known as myspace killers.

This article says that:
AOL plans on building a social network on the back of AIM, which will pre-populate your AIM friends as your social network friends as well. Functionality will be similar to MySpace - with blogging, photo and music widgets available for integration.

This site talks about two new Myspace Killers. One is called 'Lostcherry' that is sold as an edgier, more anrchistic myspace. The other is 'Smutvibes', which is effectivly an adult myspace based in Jamaica where adult content is not only allowed but encouraged.

What is web 2.0???

"Web 2.0" refers to the second generation of internet technology that allows user generated content to be published online. Examples of this would be profile sharing websites like myspace where users can personalise and socialize by editing content on the webpages. Web 2.0 also includes 'open scourced' prgrams, where users are able to change the functions of programs that other people have created.

Advantages of Web 2.0:
~Lots of people can share ideas rather than it being dictated by one authority, making the internet a democratic system.
~Socialisation via the internet reinforces
global village.
~Hearing other peoples ideas encourages openmindedness.

Disadvantages of Web 2.0:
~No filter. If anyone can edit online content then there is nothing to stop detrimental or false information being shared.
~People lose money when copyrighted material is shared for free, e.g. films/ music/ software.
~Dependence. If all our information is stored online and the system crashes or there is a powercut then there will be no hard copy and data could be lost.

Web 2.0 on youtube:

Friday 12 October 2007

Zinio.com and Jellyfish.com

Zinio is a company providing digital magazine distribution for popular magazines in a digital format. It provides print publishers with a way to distribute their printed publication digitally, to read online or offline. The website provides a feasible offline solution for Mac andMicrosoft Windows, with a good selection of consumer, business, and pornographic publications.

Jellyfish is an online shopping site where one can search for products and find vendors and their prices. The website offers money back for purchases made through the site. The other main part of the site is "smack shopping", where items are for sale and the price drops until someone buys the item. There are different shows for different types of items. The main show starts at noon central time and a number of random items, usually more than one, are for sale during that time. During the other shows, there's usually only one item available. During this time, people on the site talk in one main channel on various subjects. Depending on the show and time of day, there can be anywhere from 30 to 300 people on.