Thursday 27 March 2008

The age of permanent net revolution

~Endism is the perspective that sees new technologies as replacing older ones.
e.g CD roms replacing books
TV Replacing Radio ect.

~Media Ecosystem: The interactions between new and old media are complex. In science, an ecosystem is a dynamic system in which living organisms interact with one another and with their environment. The 'organisms' in our media ecosystem include broadcast and narrowcast television, movies, radio, print and the internet.

~Narrowcast TV: specialist content is aimed at subscription-based audiences and distributed via digital channels.

~The difference between the Web and the Internet is that the Web is enourmous, but its jsut one kind of traffic that runs on the internets tracks and signalling

~Push Pull mediums: Pull mediums - nothing comes to you unless you choose it, youre in charge, e.g. The Web. Push mediums - a select band of producers decide on the content, create it and push it at a passive audience, e.g. Television.

~Blogging- keeping an online diary - suggests that the traffic in ideas and cultrual products isnt a one way street, as it gives everyone access to publication media.

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Film technologies: production distrubution exhibition


~Blue Ray? Why was it not successful?

~3D Cinema? How many are there? How popular are they?

~Celluloid? How many people still use Celluloid? Why?

~Digital Projectors - decline in cinema popularity stops cinemas affording to go digital.


~How much cheaper is Digital than Celluoid?

~Financial losses through film piracy? who? howmuch?


~How have the public responded to 3D cinema?

~How feasable is it to legally distribute films via the internet to the public?

~How many people still go to the cinema? why not?

Tuesday 4 March 2008

The Fourth Estate

What is 'the Fourth Estate'?
The fourth estate refers to the press. The other estates are the courts, religion and parliament. Edmund Burke (18th century) said that the fourth estate was the most important one because it checked on abuses of power by the other three.

Is new media technology responsible for the decline in newspapers?
Teletext has been a faster method for news since the 70's and 24 hour news channels on satelite TV and the internet completely usurped newspapers in the 90's. As new media technologies are providing the news in faster and cheaper ways (The guardian post so much content online that entire issues can often be read online, free of charge), the printed press becomes old news before it is even read.

What does it mean "maybe the internet is already the cyberspace of the fourth estate"?
This means that although the internet has caused the decline in newspapers by providing faster, cheaper access to their content, the origional purpose of the fourth estate can still be carried out by these new media technologies. We can still be told what those in power do not want us to know but it will be from the internet rather than a newspaper.